Time To Talk About Veterans Day

In 2023, what does Veterans Day really mean in America? Today, MAGA boomers are flooding social media with Veterans Day graphics. You know the ones I’m talking about – they have a picture of a soldier, probably an eagle, and a slogan like “thank you for keeping us free” imposed over a flag. I have nothing against the MAGA boomers. They mean well, and we are aligned on many important issues. But their line of thinking is based on the myth that the America of today still operates under the original Constitution. The systems our founders set up still work, but those pesky Democrats can’t stop messing things up! The purpose of the military should be to protect home, which truly keeps us free. But the truth is America’s veterans have not done that since 1812.

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The Most Important Country in the History of American Foreign Affairs

Ask the average man-on-the street what the most important country in the history of American foreign affairs is, and you will probably get similar answers. It could be Britain, due to America inheriting her economic, cultural and political institutions. It could be the Soviet Union, due to the Cold War shaping American militarism for nearly a century. It could be Israel, due to their influence over post-Cold War geopolitics. These are all good answers. But the most important country in American foreign affairs rarely gets discussed today, and it’s located 700 miles off of the Florida coast. Foreign policy often affects domestic policy. This is why the most important country in the history of American foreign relations is Haiti.

Haitian revolution
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No Solutions, Only Trade-Offs – Ukraine Edition

The great Thomas Sowell often notes that when looking to solve problems, there are no perfect solutions, only trade-offs. You weigh the cost of your various options and look for the one that creates the fewest additional problems. You look for the best trade-off. Make your concessions based on three factors – compared to what, at what cost, and based on what evidence? Nowhere does this practice come into play more than in foreign policy. Today we’re going to look at the ongoing situation in Ukraine, and weigh the options based on historic parallels.

Crisis in Ukraine
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Kazakhstan: The Next Phase of U.S. Foreign Policy?

When the Biden administration pulled U.S. troops out of Afghanistan in summer 2021, it signaled the end of the War on Terrorism that the United States has been involved in since 2001. However, we are still involved in Yemen and other areas in the Middle East. And the Biden administration is still waging economic war on Afghanistan, starving their citizens, and even drone striking innocent civilians. While it doesn’t seem that our Middle East adventurism will ever truly be over, leaving Afghanistan does seem to close the chapter on a significant phase of U.S. foreign policy. So, the question begs, what next? Since the era of early-20th-century global progressivism, outside of very brief periods, U.S. foreign policy has always proactively looked for dragons to slay. The military-industrial complex that Eisenhower belatedly warned us about cannot afford to rest. This is why you should pay very close attention to what U.S. corporate media tells you about Kazakhstan over the next few weeks.

protests in Almaty, Kazakhstan
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