About Salerno Schools

Welcome! I’m James Salerno, and this is my history blog. I’ll be talking about American history, and occasionally dabbling in current events and geopolitics while finding historic parallels. My focus is on uncovering neglected areas of history, debunking popular history claims, and most importantly, viewing events through the lens of the United States constitution, the most unique document in human history.

I am not a professional historian. I am not an academic. I’m just a regular guy who researches primary sources and reads a ton of books. Frankly, I believe the current state of history education in the United States is lacking, which motivated me to launch Salerno Schools. We don’t regurgitate History Channel documentaries here. No political correctness. No Marxism. No revisionism. No romanticizing the past. My formula is simple – I just tell the truth. Real history, warts and all. This is James Salerno’s school, where we school the establishment’s takes.

Thank you for visiting!