The Worst President?

The question is often asked, who is the worst president of all time? Surprisingly, you’re going to get a lot of overlap between mainstream left and right. They may disagree on specifics but look at any “best presidents” list and you will find that “do something” presidents always rank near the top. Presidents who waged war and governed as a monarch always rank high. “Forgettable” presidents who presided over times of peace and prosperity tend to rank lower. This is wrong. We should not rank presidents by how famous they are. We should not judge them based on whether they did unconstitutional things that we like or don’t like. There is one single metric for measuring how good a president was: Did they uphold their oath to defend the constitution? Based on that, who is the worst?

The Presidents of the United States as depicted by Louis Marx
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Movie Pitch – World War I Guam

I love World War I history. It’s often overshadowed by the sequel, but in my opinion it’s the more interesting conflict. The recent popularity and success of films like 1917 and YouTube channels like The Great War have helped contribute to a renewed interest in the war. The conflict stretched to all corners of the globe: Germany, Russia, The Ottoman Empire, France, The United States, Africa – and there are so many interesting stories to tell. But one place that never gets talked about is a tiny island over 7,000 miles away from where Gavrilo Princip assassinated Franz Ferdinand – the island of Guam. Somebody needs to make a movie about this, or at the bare minimum a mini-series, because it has all of the ingredients for perfect cinema.

The Island of Guam
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