Book Review: The Forgotten Depression – 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself

Everyone knows about the Great Depression that kicked off with the 1929 stock market crash. However, the crash of 1921 was much worse. Why is it that the 1921 crash is ignored by economists and historians? For one, it was not a “great” depression. The depression of 1921 was over in a year, while the depression of 1929 raged for over a decade. There are a multitude of reasons for this, and James Grant tackles the causes in this book.

James Grant’s look at the Forgotten Depression
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Book Review: The Jazz Age President – Defending Warren G. Harding

A book reexamining the Warren Harding presidency? Sign me up! Harding is always at the bottom of presidential rankings, but is that earned? Published in 2022, author Ryan S. Walters tackles rehabilitating the 29th presidents’ reputation. Just attempting to do this is heresy according to mainstream historians. Michael Beschloss told the New York Times, “If you had to reach for a great revisionist mountain to climb, that would be it.” Sounds like Walters has an uphill battle. Does he succeed in his goal?

The Jazz Age President – Defending Warren G. Harding
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Book Review: President Without a Party – The Life of John Tyler

If you’re looking to read a biography on John Tyler, you don’t have many options. Published in 2020, President Without a Party is the first full-scale Tyler biography published in half a century. Does it shine any new light on an oft neglected and historically maligned president?

President Without a Party – The Life of John Tyler
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